Friday, April 28, 2017

New life hack learnt

     This is the part of my life where I silently remove myself from anyone who hurts me more than they love me, drains me more than they replenish me, brings me more stress than they do peace, and tries to stunt my growth rather than clap for it. I think .. (correction) I'm sure that I've done more than enough talking and trying to make things work with certain people…I'm done.
     And, on the day's I feel that tug to go back to what has hurt/drain/brought stress to me, I need to read and remember all of this, all over again.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Travel therapy

"You start dying slowly if you do not travel, if you do not read, if you do not listen to the sounds of life... You start dying slowly if you become a slave of your habits, walking everyday on the same paths… You start dying slowly if you avoid to feel passion and their turbulent emotions; those which make your eyes glisten and your heart beat fast. You start dying slowly...if you do not allow yourself, at least once in your lifetime, to run away from sensible advice…"

~ Pablo Neruda