Sunday, August 7, 2016

Gratitude : For the frightening scares

    There are countless things to be thankful for in life – so many, in fact, that if you tried to list them all, you’d have no time to actually enjoy any of them.

    Chances are, though, that there are plenty of things that would never even get close to making your list because you either take them for granted, or you consider them undesirable. We may not realize it at the time, but when we encounter something that really scares us, it can unleash all sorts of wonderful things in our lives.
    Most commonly, it is instances that involve near death – either of ourselves or a loved one – that jolt us out of our listless existence and make us value every little detail from thereon in.
    These events open our eyes and fill our hearts with a gratitude that might not have been there before. Suddenly we are able to look at things through a whole new perspective and appreciate the people and things we have around us.
    It might feel a little strange to be thankful for what is likely to be a highly distressing period, but if you emerge from it with greater zest for life, then this is something to celebrate. After all, life cannot be defined by a single episode alone.

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